No coach, no matter how successful, ever completely escapes the pressure of winning.

The approaches have been straightened out and smoothed so you don't have to hit bumps going up to it. The crossing itself was tearing the under-carriages of cars out. It was so bad.

We are Boston, Glasgow is Cleveland.

I will be disappointed if we do not win three or four medals.

Nobody becomes great without self-doubt. But you can't let it consume you.

I was working on these improvements long before the young man was tragically killed right there. The improvements we made were not a result of his accident or a motivating thing, because we were already trying to do it. The accident happened to coincide with the improvements.

I've got a good feeling about this team. Next week will be an excellent measure of our level at this stage and what we need to do to get to the next level for Melbourne.

[There is no doubting his Scottish roots. His father hailed from Bridge-ton] at the time when it really was a rough area, ... and a man was called a sissy if he had two good ears.

You don't beat people with surprises, but with execution.