Jon knows and I know he can make plays, and he knows his compadres can, too.

He got into some hot water but I think his critics made much more about that than was warranted, ... I don't think it was a major issue and he maybe overstated his case and apologized. He caught enormous heat because there is an enormous propaganda machine out there always ready to grind. And he got ground up in it.

It doesn't have the emotive cachet that the Razr (a popular Motorola slimline phone) or the iPod has. When you whip this out in the bar, nobody's going to say: that's a cool device.

It's a very logical addition to the digital camera.

It certainly goes along with the leadership position to be a critic of the governing party; the term we use is the 'loyal opposition' and the loyal opposition while being loyal also opposes, ... That's why we want a minority party to speak out.

This is extremely important. This takes them out of the airplane magazine and into a great distribution channel.

It doesn't have the emotive cachet that the Razr or the iPod has. When you whip this out in the bar, nobody's going to say, 'That's a cool device.

He differs from the two Pauls in the sense that he is a nuts-and-bolts Senate insider ... in a way that Paul Douglas or Paul Simon never was.