The changes needed in our energy infrastructure to meet future demand and respond to climate change will not happen by chance.

We respectfully request that Congress do no harm by distorting markets or seeking punitive taxes on an industry working hard to respond to high prices and supply shortfalls.

We believe Congress should enact comprehensive (Offshore Continental Shelf) budget sharing legislation to appropriately compensate states, such as Louisiana, that shoulder the burden of oil and gas development.

This remains a highly competitive industry.

A clear, long-term framework will give business the necessary incentive and confidence to invest further.

This is a challenging time for big corporations.

The question of shortage will be determined by how soon (we) get on line.

Lack of access to energy resources and the hurricanes are the roots of the angst American consumers are experiencing.

It takes an extraordinary level of financial strength to deploy such large amounts of capital in risky environments and a cyclical industry. Fragmented or financially insecure players cannot afford such risk. To achieve what we have set out to do, we need your help -- not new barriers.