We recognize the fundamental importance of good corporate governance and determined it would be prudent as a public company to separate the roles of board chairman and CEO.

This year harkens back to the droughts of the early 1980s on a statewide level but not as disastrous as 1988 or the mid-1950s, except in certain locations - Peoria being one.

This kind of prelude was succeeded by the concerto itself which he executed with a degree of spirit and firmness that no one has ever pretended to equal.

Once we get the documents, we will then take depositions and then, hopefully a trial date will be set.

You need a clearly defined objective of what you want to achieve, ... You should start small, and consider all the items that will be tagged. And you should know when to say 'no' if RFID doesn't make sense for your application.

Our ships, God be thanked, have received little hurt.

I don't think it's really something that the city should be choosing for everyone.