The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up there's no law against wacking them around a little.

If our state sees the handwriting on the wall, then maybe we can work together and come up with something to address the problem.

I'm a music major at Northeastern State University, and I've listened to my share of the Rat Pack and Ella Fitzgerald. But music should be original. If I want to listen to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' I want to hear Kurt [Cobain] sing it.

The pioneers are giving way to some of the big guys who can weather all the change.

You have to keep reminding people that things are different downtown.

He's always willing to take a look at all sides of an issue. He's willing to work to find the middle ground.

If it weren't for my lawyer, I'd still be in prison. It went a lot faster with two people digging.

Well my families done it everybody I know in my families done it as long as I can remember, it seemed like a pretty good job. And every body makes a pretty good living. So I figured why not.

We kept things pretty basic and just stayed in our base package. This was just about playing football and letting the coaches see who could make plays.

I really can't give myself too much credit. I think it was a bad throw. I was actually banking on the ball being caught, and he ended up throwing it a little in front of the receiver and I ended up getting the pick.