I just want to ask people to hold on and pretend these boys might be their own children.

I'm just telling you it is so apparent from the photographs that this woman was enormously impaired when she got to the party. There can be no question about that.

They're very helpful to these boys in showing there was no rape or sexual assault.

These boys were frustrated because they, as has already been reported, they thought these women had come and taken a bunch of money and started dancing and just decided to leave.

We believe that the DNA will show that this is not true.

The experts will tell you that if there was a condom used they would still be able to pick up DNA, latex, lubricant and all other types of things to show that and that's not here.

Let's look at some facts. You know, false accusations are made by people all the time for all different types of reasons.

Now, whether there are other issues as to it relates to issues like drinking and partying and those things, I've got no clue. But if it relates to sexual assault, they can search 'til the cows come home.

There is no DNA evidence that shows she was touched by any of these boys.