We are pleased that Project Lexus has visited our community on several occasions and we hope they come again. We have been fortunate to experience growth from existing partners and we continue to seek new partners for our community. Project Lexus is just one of many prospects that came our way in 2005 and we hope they continue to come in 2006.

It's a lot easier to eat three meals a day for one week, than it is to eat all your meals at once.

Utilize off hours, if you have an hour break between classes, come into the PR/LACC or find a place to review your notes.

There is a stigma in consulting Mental Health, ... Students don't like it.

I'm just concerned about those students who won't go to Mental Health, ... What will they do?

I hope this will allow them to make a point to use their time efficiently and effectively as possible.

I firmly believes years of strong leadership and progress attitudes laid the foundation for success.

What did I just read?