This policy breaks that commitment, ... And it fails to acknowledge that we are responsible for emitting 25 percent of the world's greenhouse gasses. Under this policy our share would continue to grow.

Give the American people a false, false sense of security.

If there is another solution, I'm willing (to consider it). I just want to get rid of the damn stuff.

I fear that this bill, without the sufficient resources, will merely highlight our shortcomings. I fear it will not provide the assistance, both financial and technical, that schools will need to meet the goals of having every student meet their full academic potential.

It is important each side has the opportunity to express itself, ... But we need to exit one way or the other.

We know that it will be a tough fight given the economic pressures we are now facing, but I believe it is critical that our farmers get a fair price for their milk.

It is clear Judge Roberts has the necessary legal experience and character to be the chief justice.

After careful review, I have concluded that there was such a failure that this was an intentional an illegal attempt to circumvent the law and that it was designed to benefit big energy companies at the expense of the public health.

Confirmation of what is for me a bedrock principle, that judging is different from politics.