It is not television or radio or telephone, but a brand new, robust form of publishing that deserves the same First Amendment protections as print.

There is concern by us and certainly by many others that this board is subject to capture. There is concern that it's subject to capture by a small group of corporations, to a country, to an advocacy group bent on changing the way the Internet works for its own purposes.

The Internet is going to be a legislative issue in every Congress from now on.

Privacy is high on the list of bipartisan bills with support in both houses. There is a chance to do something that is both bipartisan and balanced.

Medium unlike any that has come before.

But there is potential serious collateral damage to our Constitution and civil liberties in the attorney general's bill.

A landmark moment in the cause of establishing and protecting individual privacy rights online.

There is opportunity for moderation and for deadlock. Deadlock is a disaster because the states are ready to roll, and then companies will have to deal with a crazy patchwork of privacy laws.

The commercial, free speech, educational potential of the Internet will be stifled, but we still won't have solved the problem of protecting children from pornography.