Once a watershed is past 30 percent (developed) it's gone, ... Critters and endangered species are important, but the main reason for protecting the Pinelands was to preserve water quality, the aquifer and the rivers and estuaries.

You can see it, you can taste it. It hits you right in the face. You get behind an old school bus and you know it. We have more roads per square mile and more vehicles per square mile than any other state in the nation, so we feel a bigger impact from buses and diesel pollution than virtually anyone else because we're so densely populated.

I think they've got some big problems.

Without a proper management plan, there should not be a hunt.

I was hoping the cabinet would be a breath of fresh air, but there's some stale air there. The people of New Jersey deserve a fresh start that can articulate his vision without baggage.

It's as if he's still in the primary, or as if it's July.

There's little hope of seeing any new parks built if we can't get the money to fix the parks we have.

I don't want to say shy ... but I don't think he really likes working the room, ... A few years ago we were at a League of Municipalities dinner. I was out saying hi to all the politicians. My other half was alone at the table. He stopped by and just sat down with her for 20 minutes. I thought that was kind of nice.

People end up drinking their own septic, ... Our patience is worn out. Enough is enough.