Jean Charest
FameRank: 4

"Jean James Charest", Queen's Privy Council of Canada/PC was the List of premiers of Quebec/29th Premier of Quebec, from 2003 to 2012. He lost the provincial election held September 4, 2012, and resigned as Premier on September 19. He was the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada from June 25, 1993, until November 4, 1993. Charest was the leader of the federal Progressive Conservative Party of Canada from 1993 to 1998, and was the leader of the Quebec Liberal Party from 1998 to 2012. On September 5, 2012, Jean Charest announced that he would be resigning as Quebec Liberal Leader and leaving politics.

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Our real interest starts with our neighbors ... the future is about regional economies.

We're going to carefully prepare this mission. It's not easy to go to a country like India where we don't have a presence.

The program is more generous that what the federal program used to be, and it is very, very good news for parents and for young families.

It is a very important choice we are making together. It's either an agenda for separation or an agenda for affirmation.

We're all on the same page.

It could be a strong and powerful symbol of our relationship.

You can't go east and west at the same time.

It will be the first time that a premier from Quebec will go there.

From that moment on, there will be an irreversible process to separate Quebec from Canada.