"Jackie Kallen" is one of boxing's first and most successful female Coach (sport)/managers. Her life was the inspiration for the film Against the Ropes in which she had a brief speaking role as a reporter, she was dynamically portrayed in this film. She also worked as a consultant for Mark Burnett's reality TV television series/series The Contender (television series)/The Contender.

More Jackie Kallen on Wikipedia.

No, no, no, no. The only way she's going to play me is to get in there and do it.

[As far as the second season of the] Contender ... I thought we received enough critical praise from the mainstream press to warrant another year on NBC. The ratings weren't huge, but the ratings weren't huge for ' Seinfeld ' or ' Cheers ' in their first years and those shows turned out pretty well when they were given time to build an audience.

A Ring of Their Own.