This is not my thing, this hero thing. This is just what anybody else would do. I'm just glad I was there.

It was a poorly run business. Hopefully they can provide some expertise.

Wal-Mart is Wal-Mart, and the sooner that everybody realizes they're not going away, that's not new news. It's just been a tough environment over the last year and a half. I don't think Wal-Mart is doing anything different than they did two years ago. They're just a little bit bigger. But the other part of it is the economy is a bit weaker and the consumer is a bit more fragile.

We see this as a short-term, one-time gain. Management did not even touch on how they plan to get the Cracker Barrel concept turned around. The core chain (Cracker Barrel) has struggled mightily of late from an operating fundamentals perspective and significantly lags the industry.