Open to the scientific public, and not just the commercial public, the ability to use these stem cells to understand how organs form.

It's the best evidence yet that they are integrating and functioning. It's a nice advance.

The training grants, while they're in service of research by training people to work with stem cells, would not actually allow the research to go forward.

It is a loss for Stanford and a loss for America. Without a doubt, they are the best people I know to find out which genes are altered to cause cancer.

Any parties engaging in further delays of the state stem cell funding should consider the lives of those at risk to be their responsibility. While further delays by appeal are possible, one should note that such actions would delay research, which eventually could ameliorate disease and save human lives.

Human reproductive cloning should not now be practiced. It is dangerous and likely to fail.

We should wait for the investigations to inform us of what really happened. Not only important science, but scientific careers are at stake.

This is something that could be very valuable if it works, no doubt about it. But don't tell me we should stop doing [embryo] research until we find out, because people's lives are at stake.