The bottom line is that we have to keep the transit system running because the health of this city depends on it. I apologize to our riders but we have to pay a little more.

Now some members of council are caught like deer in the headlights and they're running for cover and saying they didn't know what they were doing ... because they don't want to be associated with giving themselves an increase.

I would be tempted to recommend that the baby be named Wellesley, but that's up to the mother.

The tax credit will benefit one third of our riders who can afford to buy a $100 pass.

My personal preference is that I like to think in terms of planning for the next 100 years, not the next 10 or 15, so I think the subway is the way to go. It makes sense.

We're averaging about one incident a day. It ranges all the way from someone yelling at a driver to someone shooting a driver, at the other extreme end of it.

It may have cost us $10 million, but we have stopped the bleeding.

There's nothing to apologize for.

Everybody knew. They're just trying to hide the fact that they voted for it.