Ultimately, no matter how many projects you considered, you can't please everyone.

None of these bills contain any provisions to keep electricity affordable in Maryland.

Early primaries are abysmal. Governor Ehrlich believes we should encourage voter turnout, not change the rules to stifle voter turnout.

It's unfortunate, but we've come to expect it.

The governor is aware that Ed has been extremely helpful to the investigation. Ed is a valued member of our team who has been assisting the investigation for more than a year.

The governor looks forward to proposing a compassionate and fiscally responsible budget in January.

The governor has always made appointments within accordance of the law.

There will be a healthy debate as to the mayor's inability to manage the public school system in his own city. There will be a healthy debate as to why Baltimore City is one of the most violent cities in America.

The governor does not believe that is even close to a sufficient solution. The governor believes we need a solution that protects every vote, not 5 percent of the votes.