We need to pursue our international efforts in a spirit of cooperation - not coercion - with a true sense of partnership.

We are working hard on some of the advanced technologies ... but the development and deployment of technology does not fit with rigid targets and timetables.

There's a difference between climate and extreme weather, ... Our scientists continually tell us we cannot blame any single extreme event, attribute that to climate change.

One can argue whether it's slowing down fast enough, but it is slowing down. We're doing better than business as usual. That's the president's goal.

With regard to what the United States is doing on climate change, the actions we have taken are next to none in the world.

There are many, many different ideas. People are not yet ready to move ahead under the convention. The Kyoto (members) though, ought to be able to move ahead under the protocol.

We're going to resist it, obviously.

But I can't guarantee it's going to continue.

The United States is opposed to any such discussions.