He used to sell drugs, but he got out of that. He was straightening up his life. He was never a violent man. He just likes fast money.

Let me assure you that at no time were we aware of an immediate dangers to the Atlanta area of the United States.

We're here handing out our literature to let these guys know that we're available to them when they come back. We're seeing a lot of guys coming back from the war injured. With the advancement of medicine a lot of them are surviving, more so than they did in some of the previous wars.

We're benefit specialists. We help them through the bureaucratic maze of the VA and filing for benefits that they may be entitled to receive because of their service-connected wartime injuries.

We have HR staffers who are HOLA members, and they put the word out about opportunities. We also look to HOLA to help fill some of our vacancies. We're making a deliberate effort here to have our affinity groups play a role in finding qualified minority and female candidates.

Remember parks are designed to be aesthetically pleasing. You have to be careful about how it would affect the parks.

We don't take a position one way or another on the war. We just hope the war ends soon.