It wasn't a checkpoint but a patrol which immediately opened fire after they trained their light on us.

Kept on talking and talking, you couldn't contain him, an avalanche of friendly phrases and jokes. I finally felt an almost physical consolation, warmth that I had forgotten for some time.

I was always trying to be combative, to stand up to them [her kidnappers], not to be submissive but to be strong.

I beg you, put an end to the occupation. I beg the Italian government and the Italian people to put pressure on the government to pull out.

Do you know in what conditions such video are made? Do you think I was free to say what I wanted? To be a hostage means one is not free to talk freely in a video. Yes, they gave me food, drink and medicine, but I was captive, without light, without nothing. But do you think I was free to say the kidnappers didn't treat me well?

Our car was driving slowly ... the Americans fired without motive.

It wasn't a checkpoint, but a patrol that shot as soon [as] they lit us up with a spotlight. We didn't know where the bullets were coming from. We had not met other checkpoints before. Our car was absolutely not traveling at high speed.