George Stephanopoulos
FameRank: 4

"George Robert Stephanopoulos" is an American television journalist and a former U.S. Democratic Party (United States)/Democratic Party political advisor.

Stephanopoulos rose to early prominence as a communications director for the U.S. presidential election, 1992/1992 U.S. presidential campaign of Bill Clinton, subsequently becoming White House Communications Director then Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy before departing in December 1996. Today he is chief anchor and chief political correspondent for ABC News, co-news presenter/anchor of ABC News' Good Morning America, and host of ABC's Sunday morning This Week (ABC TV series)/This Week.

Stephanopoulos is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

More George Stephanopoulos on Wikipedia.

Four years in the White House and two presidential campaigns is an awful long time, ... In politics, every year in the White House is like dog years, six years off your life.

If we can kill Saddam, we should.

The President has kept all of the promises he intended to keep.

Part of the reason [voter] turnout has dropped is that Washington and politics have felt more alien to people, ... People have felt more removed from the political system and I think that that is unfortunate, because I don't believe it's true. The fact is that every Decision does have an impact.

A huge winner if it succeeded.

The longer the president goes without telling his side of the story, the more unease there will be in the public.

Does raise an awful lot of questions.

[Pat Robertson claimed an out-of-control liberal judiciary is the worst threat America has faced in 400 years - worse than Nazi Germany, Japan, and the Civil War.] Yes, I really believe that, ... I think they are destroying the fabric that holds our nation together.

Years and years of practice trying to keep up with Peter Jennings.