Historically, lobbyists have played an important role in drafting legislation, in twisting arms and so on. In general, citizens of Missouri should be concerned, should pay attention to the role of lobbyists in state government because they play a role.

It's gentle cajoling rather than arm twisting.

I think the taxpayers of Missouri would feel better served if the governor spent more time in Jefferson City, ... I think this is more true as the governor in general has become more powerful in the state.

It's a lot of money. ... I think it shows that the party is serious about keeping the seat.

All things being equal, I think it is going to be the issue that decides the race between them because that's going to be the premier issue in November.

She started backing up and then she said, 'The heck with this. I think I'll just kill you,'.

The Republicans don't have to do much in terms of southern and southwest Missouri. It just matches ? the economic conservatism, the social conservatism, the moral conservatism. ... But statewide ... there's more of a danger as we see the impacts of these cuts in the state budget come across.