It was a real hard street campaign, going around engaging people.

I think it would be a tough run for her and she will be 67 years old, after she used age against Morgenthau.

It would not be happening if the race was close or if [Democratic candidate Fernando] Ferrer was winning.

Killing the West Side stadium gave Shelly Silver a new image as a populist defender of his constituency. Bruno is a winner because he is as strong - if not stronger - than Gov. Pataki with Republicans, because he is going to be around in New York while Pataki is a lame duck.

He created a record of achievement. But he also gives off an aura that the city is getting better.

Hemorrhaging of the Democratic base usually happens when the incumbent mayor is perceived as the winner.

It was a two-second call. There was no extended conversation. I don't understand the need to tell an untruth when you have already lost.

The idea of embarrassing your opponent or messing up a press conference or even rattling your opponent always comes up.

Stop the I. When that's all you have to say, it is very tedious and self-promoting.