I am so so very glad that this has a happy ending. And I just want to thank everyone for their prayers, their love and support, not just here in Utah, but across the nation, across the world, because we had that kind of support.

I had some strong feelings that she was still out there.

We didn't know if it was Richard Ricci. We didn't know if it was Emmanuel. ... It took everyone's help to try and find out.

My satisfaction will be seeing him behind bars, not back out on the street to hurt anyone again. If he wants to be the way he is, so be it, and let him waste away in a mental hospital.

As hard as this has been for our family, the response has been overwhelming.

My wife, the past couple of days, has just had this incredible weight on her chest. And it has been overwhelming to her and coming down here and seeing everyone and the support that we have and knowing what everyone is trying to do is absolutely bolstering our spirits. And we know that it is because of this that we are going to pull through it.

The garage door was open during the day. I did close it that night.

Keep your eyes open for her. We still feel as strongly as ever that Elizabeth is out there, that she is still waiting for us to find her.

Lives are lost and, and the blood of these children is on someone's head.