They want to be Dr. Spock, not Mr. Spock. These people want to interact.

In the case of the mayor, he still has to show that he can be respected and trusted.

If she doesn't get her hands dirty now, and if voters don't see this as mainly an auto industry problem, this may very well fall at the governor's doorstep.

He's not naturally being picked up in this state. He's not catching fire on his issues. He's been a sort of behind the scenes kind of person.

On their issues, Gore should win hands-down. He's tied with Bush now, but that's more to do with the educational issue and the family values issue ... not the right-to-life issue, but what they want their kids to be taught, right from wrong.

It gave him free exposure. It was like a free campaign ad. He never had the money to do much advertising, so that was like the beginning of his advertising campaign.

The mayor did have the advantage among those who were unemployed and under 62 years old. And those areas of the city that were most impoverished solidly voted for the mayor.

He's at 50 percent favorability plus, and finally got job rating around 50 percent. So the McCain ads have finally caught some traction.

Going negative works if it's done in the right way. Contrasting and pointing things out is fine. But attacking Hendrix's family is not the way to go about it.