"Edward Rollins" is a Republican Party (United States)/Republican campaign consultant and advisor who has worked on several high-profile political campaigns in the United States. In 1983-84, he was National Campaign Director for the Reagan-Bush '84 campaign, winning 49 of 50 states. In December 2007, he was named the national campaign chairman for the Mike Huckabee campaign for President.

More Ed Rollins on Wikipedia.

Clearly this was Dick Morris' day in the sun. And if he would have been careful and obviously not been quite as bravado to his pillow mate, the reality is he could have had a very lucrative career in the future.

There will be a lot of interpretations at the end of it.

Be extremely destructive if for some reason they change the rules and if there is not the opportunity to filibuster.

A lot of these Republicans have never been in the minority and a lot of them have come up through the House and not started as senators, so they don't give it quite the same respect that has been there in the past.

To what do you attribute the victory of Todd-Whitman.

There's always twenty or thirty Republicans or twenty or thirty Democrats that sort of move away from the party line, so you've got to make sure that they are all happy. It's gonna be real tough, it's gonna be real tough.

We've got to win them one at a time.

It's a good issue to define your opponent. If your opponent is for flag burning, he's got to go through a very sophisticated explanation.

I do not think it is a lasting issue. I think it is just a series of things that this administration has done that makes it look like they are not always forthcoming.