Our analysis was very detailed on what habitat is suitable to be occupied.

Joe was the one who had the most apparent skills in dealing with local people and being the guy that knows how to talk to people on the land. He's just a heck of a nice guy with plenty of common sense. He's plain spoken and straight-up honest and that's what we needed.

Court rulings from this past year determined that we didn't do enough analysis and the DPS was too large.

This puts us a year ahead of the game for delisting.

Of the 200 tagged wolves that have dispersed from the park, only seven have gone over 180 miles.

If this is a wild wolf, and it looks like one to me, it's number eight.

It's the right time of year. The Yellowstone packs mate about Valentine's Day. It's probably a young wolf looking for love.

A dispersing wolf doesn't mean that wolf recovery has started in Colorado. It's cool the wolf went a long way, but unless the wolf finds another wolf, no one should read anything into this.

I'm eating crow. I never thought we'd get that high.