The government is overreacting. There may be a threat from a small faction within the army, but it's not serious enough to topple her government.

It will backfire if they start dispersing rallies and arresting people. It will arouse the passion of unaffected citizens.

Arroyo may be weak, but she is safe and is in no danger of being removed by force during the first six months of 2006. The threats were bloated out of proportions. There may be groups within the army that were not happy with her, but they have no capability to stage a coup.

She has consolidated her hold on power, but it does not mean that she has crushed the opposition.

It was an overreaction. The main objective was to send a strong message that she is in control.

Not even a majority I think would fast during Holy Week. These (Catholic images) are superficial piety. They are not so deeply embraced by the people that they will follow every command of the Church.

Not even a majority, I think, would fast during Holy Week.