We've come to realize that the current arrangement may not be financially viable over the long term.

There have been serious discussions by representatives of the four zoos to ask if there are ways that the price of keeping pandas can be negotiated downward.

Between the arrival of the first Su Lin in our country in 1936 and the birth of the second one in 2005, history has not been kind to pandas, with only about 1,600 individuals left in the world today.

But like the two cubs born here before her, the new Su Lin dramatizes the importance of working to make the world more secure for wild populations.

People will get up in the middle of the night to see the pandas. I don't think there is a comparable animal. There isn't the enormity of response that you find with pandas.

It really is turning out to be somewhat of a hardship.

We refer to them as charismatic multi-vertebrates.

I'm not hearing anything like that, and I would be very, very surprised.