"Dianna Booher" is an United States/American author, consultant, and keynote speaker on the topic of business communication. Booher is the founder of Booher Research, Dallas, Texas-based consultancy that offers communication consulting, executive coaching, and publishing strategies for Fortune 500 organizations. She is also the founder of and past CEO of Booher Consultants, Inc., Dallas, Texas-based consultancy that offers communication training and provides consulting services on corporate communication and productivity issues.

More Dianna Booher on Wikipedia.

If you can't write your message in a sentence, you can't say it in an hour.

Our mission is not just to make a profit, it is to fulfill a calling . . . An ethical standard is higher than a legal standard.

Live their faith by the excellent job they do and how they act. The Bible says, 'Do your work as unto God' and so I encourage employees to serve customers as if they were serving God himself.