This is a highly reliable power source. Being a large credit card processor, doing $6 million an hour in transactions, our computers have to work.

[Does the system really work?] About two weeks ago, we had a series of brown outs, ... The fuel cells were able to reconfigure and there was no loss of power. They kept right on chugging away with no disruption.

About two weeks ago, we had a series of brown outs. The fuel cells were able to reconfigure and there was no loss of power. They kept right on chugging away with no disruption.

It was a tough year for all those families who lost loved ones and for the men and women out there doing traffic enforcement and emergency medical services.

That is just a horrific number, regardless of what it was last year or the long-term average. There are way too many people dying on our roads.

I wouldn't read too much into that.

Since it has come into question by some in the community, she has decided not to run.