Values its work force, or just its bottom line.

There are many schools that are opening their doors to people to come back to school, to learn about pharmacy work and the opportunities are endless, and the salaries are quite good.

Industries that are experiencing labor shortages, such as health care, are very focused on this segment.

The CEO's philosophy is, when talking about this industry, experience counts. They value it and see it as a huge commodity.

[In the technical industry, there is concern about losing workers in highly technical jobs, such as engineering and science.] The concern is if you have a large proportion leaving at the same time, ... how is that knowledge being captured (transferred)? Many companies are looking at how to do this through phased retirement.

What they want is to be valued, and to have what they bring to the table valued.

Retirement isn't what it used to be -- getting the gold watch, moving to Florida and playing golf, ... People want to stay in the work force to feel viable.

[Companies] are really looking for skilled workers, whether they're young or old.

Employers are becoming more flexible.