Parents saw their kids learning.

I don't know what tomorrow holds. It's a matter of we all thought it was a good thing when he came here and look at the controversy that's emerged in three years. I just hope that we have somebody that will be able to carry us forward in the interim.

It's wonderful [the affirmation]. We want to support the Soldiers any way we can.

We were extremely pleased with the number and quality of the nominations we received. It was a reflection of the contributions that women are continuing to make in the business community.

When other children may have given up because of obstacles placed before them, these children did not. These students have overcome some obstacle, whether learning issues or personal issues at home.

I'm not sure that everybody really knows about it, to tell you the truth.

Good. It helps to deter people when they know that they're there. It might stop that moment of impulse because they know that the cameras are there.

We continue to hear from our readers that they want the information offered in the Business Journal on a more frequent basis. Publishing every other week will give those readers what they've been asking for, while giving us the opportunity to better serve the business community by providing more information in a timelier manner.

If that's all they're basing it on, then the parents need to take into consideration the rest of the story.