This is not your father's Oldsmobile, ... It's much trendier and more sophisticated. The boomers don't want to live a stodgy life. They want activity. They want to be closer to theaters, restaurants.

We were back and forth together and our classes took field trips together. We've even talked about retiring together.

We want to reinforce the church sites and let them know the environment is going to be clean and safe.

We're trying to be proactive and not reactive to the situation. We need to have a little more compassion for the underprivileged. It's hard for them to get the help they need because they're looked down upon.

Women, even men who find themselves in an abusive relationship should take advantage of a center like Mujeres Unidas. Back then, we didn't have this type of help.

It's important that our delegation knows how important this issue is to all Americans, not just half of Alaskans.

The grading has been going on for a month. They shouldn't be doing this in a residential neighborhood. It just doesn't fit.

Agencies don't care. They put a label on you if you complain. They blacklist you, say you're hard to please.