We have millions of these customers who are reasonably demanding of services, which we're pleased to provide but which have to be paid for, ... Customers have the opportunity to justify their service levels by adding to their account.

With a slowing economy and weakening corporate earnings, our clients are facing the most challenging market environment in many years.

The question is: What can we do for less money? What can we do for the man who has $200,000? ... We're working on that.

Our continued leadership in online investing is reflected in the growing number of customers using these services at Schwab.

My leaving Schwab was on less than elegant terms, ... What is really humbling is to have time to reflect on what you've done and what you could have done better.

Boards are finding their rhythms.

Was I in a funk for about a week about that story? Absolutely.

Recent trading volumes are propelling the company to its best quarter ever in terms of revenues and profits.