Companies in business services and outsourcing, we believe provide nice secular growth and have some resilience to a generally difficult economy.

I would urge any investor to do as much thorough analysis as they're capable of and that means looking broadly at the fundamentals of a company's business, ... Look at its business model and what its source of revenue is, how it's positioned in its market, where its growth comes from and where potential new growth could come from.

I think all eyes are on the economy and the Fed is trying to engineer a soft landing.

We try to pick companies that dominate their niche. So we think there are lots of opportunities to sort of identify pure plays.

There are tremendous resources available to people who are looking for it. Individual investors can choose to devote as much time as they want to educating themselves and learning about the companies they own.

It looks like we're finally beginning to see signs of a sustained slowdown, particularly in the interest-rate sensitive areas such as housing, ... This is more evidence for the Fed that the economy is slowing.

I'd like to see a summer rally. I guess there's no guarantee. But overall, I think we're still pretty bullish. The economy is still very strong, and global growth continues to be pretty solid, and the companies that we focus on I think can do well, even if we see some moderate slowdown in the economy.

Grocery store point-of-sale terminals (POS) and debit card technology is largely Concord EFS.