If this garage is as vulnerable as you say it is, for God's sake close the garage.

Inconvenient to tenants and cause loss of substantial revenue.

So many forms of creativity together in one spot. It's beautiful.

This was the terrorist gang that couldn't shoot straight. That's how stupid they were.

One of the tragedies of this case was it was so preventable.

The case was never about blaming the terrorists, ... It was about what the Port Authority should have done. They disregarded the advice of their own experts and other experts. They were motivated by money. They should have thought about the ultimate sacrifice of human lives.

Painting isn't his primary job, and, he's only been doing it for 19 months.

It's an art gallery open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and can be accessed from anywhere around the world.

We want the type of artist who creates art for art's sake. Someone who creates art for themselves, not necessarily to make money.

They should have closed the garage. Lives would have been saved, and 1,000 people would not have been hurt.