The only thing that I would say is that I hope the employees know how deeply the board appreciates their willingness to work with the company to save it.

At no time was anyone in the stadium in danger.

The increased use of our SAFEride program since the new OU alcohol policies were put into effect is an encouraging sign that students are taking alcohol safety more seriously.

I think it is a disservice to the American people.

The only change, beginning at the next home football game.

We know that he has had what I would call emotional difficulties in the past. There is certainly no evidence at this point which points to any other kind of motivation other than his personal problems.

It is appropriate that this important milestone in the history of business education in our state should be highlighted by presentations by five of the top economic experts in the country.

We are apparently dealing with an individual suicide, which is under full investigation.

We have given Dallas every opportunity, and I think Dallas has really missed the boat.