There won't be a night and day change in corporate strategy but there will be more emphasis on the wireless and consumer markets.

We generally have had a good feeling going into the third and fourth quarters because the economy is doing better than expected. Semiconductors are going to get a boost from seasonal trends.

With semi stocks, if you're not buying when there are mistakes then you're chasing momentum and that's historically proven to be a difficult strategy. Investors should take advantage of controversy.

It's amazing how quickly sentiment shifts. Two weeks ago, people would have sworn that the economy was gaining momentum. But there's no reason to believe that if we have normal economic improvement then that won't translate into normal seasonal second-half demand.

We're going to need to see follow-through from Intel. Good news from Intel could set a tone and start to give those that were most fearful about the outlook for chip stocks less reason to be concerned.

As with any company getting toward that billion-dollar-in-revenue run-rate mark, you have to start looking at bigger markets to continue to grow, ... The consumer markets are typically the larger mass markets worldwide.

There is a certain amount of disconnect here.

There was an assumption at the beginning of June that second-quarter sales of desktops and servers would be lethargic but momentum has built throughout the quarter. There were concerns that there would be lackluster spending by consumers and corporations because of high oil prices but it looks like things were probably normal or even better than normal.

The finality of the inventory correction is not only great for Intel but the entire semiconductor market. Investors had been assuming that the first quarter would be the bottom but it's nice to see real evidence of it.