The new amounts are more realistic and should encourage new schools to open and expand choices for Cleveland schoolchildren.

We ended last year with a major victory and begin this year with a major setback.

The only possible sanction would be a cutoff of Title 1 funds, and that would be a very significant sanction.

The idea of school choice is spreading like wildfire around the country, because it's the one education reform that puts real choices and real opportunities in the hands of families who desperately need them.

In 2006, the number of children in targeted school choice programs nationwide will reach six digits for the first time, representing a 40 percent increase in the number of children in targeted school choice programs and an even bigger increase in the amount of public funding.

The next step is to recognize that public schools all across urban America are in serious crisis, and we need to enlist every educator who can help the children, in both public and private schools.

The new program for children in failing schools will be the largest statewide school choice program in the nation. The creation of that program plus the expansion of two others illustrates that states with the greatest experience with school choice are the most likely to expand it.

Napolitano decided that her special-interest allies are more important than Arizona schoolchildren.