I will say that I think it is probably better that people aren't into fantasy sports where I work. It would become a major distraction.

But I don't like it when Ruby's off injured. I can't watch him ride then. I know I need to improve in so many ways, and I am always watching Ruby - the way he sits so quiet on a horse, the way he can use the stick in both hands. He's very good to me, I know I can ring him whenever I want.

Hospitals are corrupt. Judges are corrupt. Everybody in the world is corrupt. But our newspapers are essentially a monument to idealism.

From what I gather it was because a lady's oxygen tank ran out at the facility she worked at in Michigan. It was investigated and she was suspended from work for three days. Everyone was cleared and she went back to work.

It's a pretty pathetic addiction. I'd sit there actually concerned, really hoping that Jorge Sosa got the win or Dave Roberts got a stolen base. No rational person behaves in this manner.