Christian Lacroix
FameRank: 5

"Christian Marie Marc Lacroix" is a French fashion designer. The name may also refer to the company he founded.

If you enjoy these quotes, be sure to check out other famous designers! More Christian Lacroix on Wikipedia.

Ready-to-wear -- that means 'ready to wear'.

I wanted to go back to the beginning and to the codes of the house.

My fear was that people expected radical change because of the new contract. But no.

I've known for a long time, but I have only really taken it in this morning - and I think I will be shedding a tear by tonight.

Pucci is a continuing story, she said.

With the development of the Christian Lacroix house in Paris and my work notably for the theater, it wasn't serious doing things by half.

Ready-to-wear -- that means 'ready to wear'. Some people are doing couture during ready-to-wear (fashion week), others are putting up performances, we just come here with our little flowers.