We can't really track what is going on in the underground economy.

A lot of times, rising rents really rely on growth in the area. If you have people shifting from owning to renting, then there's less competition.

This report tells people outside the agricultural sector what the relative pay of their region is.

This [report] is a step back, a lot less looking at the trees than at the forest. It helps workers to make a comparison about what they earn relative to other areas.

The high pay for construction reflects the hot housing market.

There is enough competition for (these) workers that they are receiving a 15 percent premium over the rest of the nation.

The good news is you're keeping up with inflation.

There is greater competition to hire people, so pay is higher.

You guys did alright this year compared to the rest of the nation. You haven't seen a sudden bump up in prices as most of the regions have.