We can use attention-grabbing signals in cars but they are very irritating for the driver. The more attention-grabbing a signal is, the more irritating it is for the driver.

Tactile alerts have the benefit here because you don't use your sense of touch while you're driving, even though (skin) is the biggest sensory organ.

[Mr. Dudley subsequently made revisions, and some critics returned last month. Matt Wolf wrote in Variety that the projection] seems, thank heavens, to have simmered down. ... What's required, surely, is an authentically Victorian atmosphere, not something that looks like an out-of-focus video game.

Air Jamaica believes in supporting the community because they support us.

It was easy to see the cover of People magazine -- she was on the cover 80-odd times -- and see the glamorous dresses or the marital difficulties.

It feels a little different now. Last year, I was a junior, but it was my first year on the offensive line, ... I think it's a good thing. It's a beautiful thing.

If you look at the players we've faced the past few weeks, we really haven't gotten much of a break.

Steel markets are at an inflection point and we forecast a bounce in demand.

We think the best thing in the future will be to combine vibration plus auditory warning signals.

Touch is completely unused at the moment.

This research represents a whole new way of thinking about the design of warning signals for car drivers.

Genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum.

They did a very thorough job documenting their claim with maps and so forth. They seem to have put together a solid case and we'll be very happy to review it.

Vibrations are cheap, they are very personal and they are pleasant compared to sounds. They automatically grab your attention, and they are implicitly directional. If you feel something from your belly you feel it is out there in front, if you feel it in your back you know you should look behind.

I'm enjoying tackle, ... I had a chance (in the spring) to get a couple of practices under my belt in a new position. I'm definitely comfortable now. I think I've got a good understanding of the position.

The whole thing fell in like an accordion, ... Anybody who was out in that room would have been dead.

I do not believe that just because a fellow has a right to park there doesn't mean he can't contract that right away.