This isn't fair to the taxpayer. They need to sit down now and provide a plan that allows us to know what this is going to cost. Already, they've bonded $4 million on this, and it looks like they could need much more. We at least need to know if this going to go back to the taxpayers for a vote, ... I wanted to bring it up for discussion, we at least owe the taxpayers that much.

American college students believe that you are supposed to get drunk ... that it is normative behavior. They don't realize that it is dangerous.

The opposition is overwhelming. It's just not a good spot to put it in.

The problem is, some of residents are coming back, going into homes, taking debris from inside houses and putting it back on street. It might not look like were doing our job, but were picking it up and its getting refilled.

When they came before us in March, they told us they would be building an 8,000-seat stadium at $6 million. A couple of months later it was 6,000 at $7.5 million, ... Now they are talking about 4,000 seats at $8 million. The smaller the stadium gets, the higher the price goes.