We ultimately expect the overall market to be down...and end up with a correction that totals 10 to 15 percent from the peak.

Cheap is a relative term. In terms of price-to-earnings ratios, some of these stocks are still high.

Everybody is in a pretty reasonable state of confusion.

In fact, if you wanted to be sort of perverse about it, the last thing I'd want to see would be fantastic earnings.

Analysts are not way off the mark anymore, so companies don't have to talk them down.

These surveys tend to be media responsive, moving according to however the news is going. If you're trying to get true insight, it's not clear that's at all helpful.

I've attached little or no significance to blue and red stocks. There is this sort of popular sense that Republicans are good for business and Democrats are bad, but I think that's a colossal mistake, because it makes you think about the wrong sort of stuff.

The earnings story is good and is likely to remain very good, and the economic conditions are likely to remain supportive. It's certainly not going to go straight up beyond this period, but I think we're about two-thirds of the way through this correction.

I think this is another correction within an ongoing bull market, rather than something more substantial.