Congress rightly rejected this measure last year and must reject it again.

The president cannot use the pursuit of national security as a carte blanche to undermine the very freedoms that define America. This administration - like that of President Nixon - has apparently secretly adopted a legal view of the Executive Branch's power that is unbounded. A commitment to the Constitution and our laws demand an independent investigation.

This administration, like that of President Nixon, has apparently secretly adopted a legal view of the executive branch's power that is unbounded.

The executive power of our country is not an imperial power. The president has demonstrated a dangerous disregard for our Constitution and our laws with his authorization for this illegal program.

The executive power of our country is not an imperial power.

The administration is claiming extraordinary presidential powers at the expense of civil liberties and is putting the president above the law.

We're concerned because it's part of a general trend in this administration. Far as we know, it's possible that they are like many other Americans - being spied on.

This sham compromise agreement fails to address the primary substantive concern raised by millions of Americans, as well as civil liberties, privacy and business organizations and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle and in both chambers.