Carol Wood
FameRank: 4

"Carol Wood" is a current councilwoman-at-large for the City of Lansing, MI having been elected for the At-Large position in November 1999, two years after an unsuccessful campaign for the 4th Ward in 1997.

More Carol Wood on Wikipedia.

That's an ongoing discussion that we're having every day. Everyone has worked together and will continue to work together as we go forward.

Word was got to (Stones frontman) Mick Jagger and he announced that the band would take a 10-minute break.

These things are all important to us. Clearly, economic diversity and service is one of the priorities at the University.

Mr. Gibson is very respectful of students and student self-governance. He understands our community and knows how it works, and he really enjoys the role of teacher and mentor.

There are ways we can help renters who are paying more in rent than they would pay in a mortgage payment today, ... We have to find those ways to help people accomplish that dream.

[U.Va. spokeswoman Carol Wood said most of the university's 130 applicants are from Tulane, and many are underclassmen.] We will help them to build a community within the community, ... The goal is to get as many first-years together as possible.

I think people here are omni-vigilant, ... Our guidelines are so strict. If a problem is uncovered, it goes directly to the auditor's office and is investigated.

There is still some resistance in churches, there is a glass ceiling to calling women as senior pastors.

It's a great honor for Terry Belanger, but it's also an honor for the University. It shows the caliber of the faculty of the University.