Bumping is really demoralizing for our teachers. If we lose all this ... student achievement will go down.

I've seen changes in our teachers and in their motivation, through more relevant lesson plans, assessments that are more authentic, projects that are more real-world based ... more than at any other time. Students are performing at a higher level than ever before. It's new, it's working. It's goal-driven and career-based. Today's schools are becoming more like an adult learning environment.

We should be seeing the results of that in the next couple of years.

We have a lot invested in our teachers. For us it would be a huge loss.

These are excellent recommendations. It documents a continuous improvement planning process that validates the good work we are doing and will help us improve in other areas. We all want the same thing -- to provide the best education for our students.

We did expect that and are aware of the school's limited facilities. Superintendent Norris has made this a priority and is addressing the situation. We anticipate we will have at least some of the issues involving the science labs resolved this fall.

Students are pretty forthcoming here. We would investigate any complaint should it come forward, but we've never had any about him.

We are developing a four-year plan to retool the department and design a system to address every student's needs.

It's another set of eyes, because we are all working together. We're not leaving it up to any single individual.