After two years of internal debate, we have concluded it is the best course for the labor movement for us to join hands with six sister organizations and strike off in a direction of focusing more on organizing.

[WHY:] Elliot Spitzer is one of the greatest Attorney General's in the history of this nation, ... He has shown leadership and a courage of his convictions that is all too rare in politics. He stands up for what he believes in, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to stand up with him and support his effort to do even more for the State of New York as our Governor.

We have concluded it is the best course for the labor movement for us to ... strike off in a direction of focusing more on organizing.

Elliot Spitzer is one of the most impressive politicians in the nation today, and one of the greatest Attorney General's in history, ... He stands up for what he believes in, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to stand up with him and support his effort to do even more for the State of New York as our Governor.

There are 28 million people that went to work this morning who make less than the poverty level, ... Fifty percent of the workers in America used to draw defined benefit retirement plans when they finished their working careers. That number is down to 17 percent. More and more Americans face their old age without adequate financial resources to enjoy that retirement in dignity.

We believe that American workers are facing a historical crisis, ... There are 28 million Americans that went to work this morning who made less than the poverty level.

Unless the labor movement grows to increase workers' standard of living, that has got to be our fundamental purpose. We have to put the resources where the words are.