Even here, a male with more testosterone, that's better nourished, and displays all the good genes a female should be interested in will still have a better mane than the guy with a ratty mane next to him.

At one point, we probably had 70 cell phones ringing at once, ... It sounded like Bally's Park Place.

Many variables interact to affect mane development in wild lions. Several of these variables, including food, water, and social groupings, are controlled in zoological parks, where the (study found) climate has a major effect on mane development.

One guy whose phone was programmed for the theme song from 'The Sting' was getting calls every five minutes. We couldn't figure out which phone it was to turn it off.

I'm willing to take the first flight back.

We evaluated lions on the same spatial scale that females and males evaluate them, which is from 20 to 30 yards away. The elbows, ribs, back, belly, flanks—those are areas that you only see thick in northern zoos.

There seems to be a communication breakdown between the water district and the fire department. We need to get through this because it's clearly in the best interests of residents and the fire department.

While a big mane impresses everybody, even a small mane can be imposing in hot, dry climates.

It is a win-win all around, ... Local business and industry benefits. Residents benefit. The water tower will help maintain steady water pressure.